Profile Format Changes Why are profiles changing to a half-page format? This change is part of our effort to manage rising costs in postage, paper, and distribution while maintaining the effectiveness of our guidebook.
Five Star Rated Reviews for Online Profiles
Five Star Rated aims to provide our customers with a top-notch company profile. Online profiles include real customer reviews.
Your Five Star Rated Profile
Company Profile Your company’s profile is the space we’ve reserved for you to tell Five Star Rated users all about your business—the services and products you offer, warranties that you honor, when your company started, how many employees you have, how many customers you have served, awards you’ve received, certifications, and any other distinctions that
Tips for Optimizing Your Five Star Rated Profile
Your company’s Five Star Rated profile is your best tool for attracting the high-quality, ready-to-hire leads you want. But to get those leads, your profile must be accurate and specific.
Profile Rules & Regulations
About Your Five Star Rated Profile Your profile is displayed in our print publications and on the Five Star Rated (FSR) website. Our publication uses the following standards and guidelines to ensure consistency and create a good experience for the homeowners who receive the publication.
Marketing Collateral
At this time, we do not offer marketing materials but will notify your team if we do. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.